Samtrafiken SIRI import

Samtrafiken SIRI import

These pages contains documentation of how Noptis (DOI) data is converted to SIRI.
For more detailed information, visit Nordic SIRI Profile.

Samtrafiken can ingest three different SIRI feeds:

  • SIRI-SX 2.0 Situation Exchange: is used to model textual descriptions of disruptions, or deviations from the planned public transport information.

  • SIRI-ET 2.0 Estimated Timetable: is used to model the status of existing VehicleJourneys and to ensure that deviations from the planned data (for the same operating day) such as cancellations, additional departures, delays, detours and changes in stops, can be published on short notice.

  • SIRI-VM 2.0 Vehicle Monitoring: is used to model vehicle-movements and their progress compared to a planned timetable, as well as to communicate vehicle occupancy data.

Data providers must provide data according to one of the two data transfer methods which Samtrafiken supports: through asynchronous delivery based on publish-subscribe, or by synchronous requests made by Samtrafiken. These methods are described in more detail on the Data transfer page.

Matching with static data

Real-time data can only be provided to Samtrafiken if static data with matching ids is delivered as well. Static data should, according to the SIRI standard, be delivered as NeTEx when delivering SIRI data. However, if you are currently delivering Noptis data in the DII format, you can deliver SIRI data which refers to the static DII data. Read more about delivering DII-compatible SIRI data here: here: Combining with static DII data