On this page you can see tables that describe the different ServiceFacility NeTEx enum values that can be sent to Samtrafiken. In the leftmost column, the supported NeTEx values are listed. They need to be surrounded by the element in the headline in the XML. In the right column you can see the corresponding TRP type+code for that value. That is the value that it is being used in the current sales system used by Samtrafiken. If you use other values than those listed in these tables, the import will fail. If you wish to provide a value that is not listed here, contact us.
If you need to send in other ServiceFacilities, for example those that are important in the sales system, then you can use a <KeyValue>
containing the attributes
. The attributes shown on the page Codelist: Attributes (service properties) are the approved attributes that have been set up by Samtrafiken. That way the full range of attributes needed in the sales system, can be used. You can read more about this and see examples here: Special cases for sending sales data to Samtrafiken | ServiceFacilitySet attributes
ServiceFacilities can be set in both ServiceJourney-elements and in JourneyPart-elements. If a ServiceFacility is to be applied for the entire journey it is set in a ServiceJourney-element. If a ServiceFacility is only to be applied to a part of the journey (meaning it is restricted/only applies between specific stops along the journey) it is defined in a JourneyPart-element of a ServiceJourney.
Here is an example of real NeTEx ServiceFacilitySet XML (as defined in a TimetableFrame
), containing valid values :
<ServiceFacilitySet version="any" id="SE:100:ServiceFacilitySet:747400000000000001">
<PassengerCommsFacilityList>powerSupplySockets internet</PassengerCommsFacilityList>
These ServiceFacilitySets can be referenced from ServiceJourneys and JourneyParts.
<ServiceFacilitySetRef ref="SE:930:ServiceFacilitySet:3"/>
<ServiceFacilitySetRef ref="SE:930:ServiceFacilitySet:4"/>
Due to a typo in version 1.11 of the NeTEx specification, the wheelChairAssistance property should be written wheechairAssistance, and not wheelChairAssistance.
The elements in the ServiceFacilitySet needs to be defined in this exact order in the XML. If the order is not correct the import will fail.
ServiceFacilitySet order of elements | |
1 | AccessibilityInfoFacilityList |
2 | AssistanceFacilityList |
3 | AccessibilityToolList |
4 | CateringFacilityList |
5 | FareClasses |
6 | MobilityFacilityList |
7 | NuisanceFacilityList |
8 | PassengerCommsFacilityList |
9 | PassengerInformationFacilityList |
10 | AccommodationAccessList |
11 | AccommodationFacilityList |
12 | LuggageCarriageFacilityList |
13 | ServiceReservationFacilityList |
AccessibilityInfoFacilityEnumeration | Samtrafiken Transport Format (TRP) - TYPE+CODE | TRP description |
audioForHearingImpaired |
audioInformation |
visualDisplays |
AssistanceFacilityEnumeration | Samtrafiken Transport Format (TRP) - TYPE+CODE | TRP description |
any |
none |
other |
personalAssistance |
boardingAssistance |
wheechairAssistance Due to a typo in version 1.11 of the NeTEx specification, this property is in fact called wheechairAssistance, and not wheelChairAssistance. |
unaccompaniedMinorAssistance |
wheelchairUse |
conductor |
information |
AccessibilityToolEnumeration | Samtrafiken Transport Format (TRP) - TYPE+CODE | TRP description |
passengerCart |
pushchair |
wheelchair |
CateringFacilityEnumeration | Samtrafiken Transport Format (TRP) - TYPE+CODE | TRP description |
bar |
noFoodAvailable | KOMEJS | Servering finns ej |
noBeveragesAvailable |
restaurant | KOMRES | Bistrovagn |
bistro |
firstClassRestaurant |
trolley |
coffeeShop | KOM37 | Kafé |
snacks |
foodVendingMachine |
beverageVendingMachine |
miniBar | KOM34 | Minibar |
mealAtSeat | KOMPLU | Mat 1 klass |
FareClassEnumeration | Samtrafiken Transport Format (TRP) - TYPE+CODE | TRP description |
any |
businessClass |
economyClass |
firstClass |
MobilityFacilityEnumeration | Samtrafiken Transport Format (TRP) - TYPE+CODE | TRP description |
boardingAssistance |
lowFloor |
onboardAssistance |
stepFreeAccess |
suitableForWheelchairs | KOMLYF | Rullstolslyft |
unaccompaniedMinorAssistance |
tactilePlatformEdges |
tactileGuidingStrips |
NuisanceFacilityEnumeration | Samtrafiken Transport Format (TRP) - TYPE+CODE | TRP description |
noAnimals |
mobilePhoneFreeZone |
breastfeedingFriendly |
familyArea |
PassengerCommsFacilityEnumeration | Samtrafiken Transport Format (TRP) - TYPE+CODE | TRP description |
publicWifi | KOMINV | WiFi |
freeWifi |
powerSupplySockets | KOMEL | Eluttag vid sittplats |
internet | KOMIUK | Internetuppkoppling |
PassengerInformationFacilityEnumeration | Samtrafiken Transport Format (TRP) - TYPE+CODE | TRP description |
nextStopIndicator |
passengerInformationDisplay |
realTimeConnections |
stopAnnouncements |
AccommodationAccessEnumeration | Samtrafiken Transport Format (TRP) - TYPE+CODE | TRP description |
reservation |
freeSeating |
AccommodationFacilityEnumeration | Samtrafiken Transport Format (TRP) - TYPE+CODE | TRP description |
seating |
standing |
sleeper |
singleSleeper |
doubleSleeper |
couchette |
familyCarriage |
LuggageCarriageEnumeration | Samtrafiken Transport Format (TRP) - TYPE+CODE | TRP description |
baggageStorage |
cyclesAllowed | KOMCYK | Cyklar tillåtna |
cyclesAllowedWithReservation |
luggageRacks |
extraLargeLuggageRacks |
noBaggageStorage |
noCycles |
ServiceReservationEnumeration | Samtrafiken Transport Format (TRP) - TYPE+CODE | TRP description |
bicycleReservationsCompulsory |
noReservationsPossible | BOKEJB | Ej reservering |
reservationsCompulsory | BOKOBL | Obligatorisk platsbokning |
reservationsCompulsoryForGroups |
reservationsRecommended |
reservationsPossible | BOKFRI | Frivillig platsbokning |
wheelchairOnlyReservations |
reservationsPossibleOnlyInFirstClass | BOKEJ2 | 2 kl har ej reservering |