

Samtrafiken's Essential Verification Environment (STEVE) is provided by Samtrafiken i Sverige AB (Samtrafiken) as a tool to verify compliance to the BoB standard.

This software is available under the following conditions:

  • Use of STEVE is granted by Samtrafiken to be used solely for the purpose of verifying different implementations of the BoB standard.

  • The right to use STEVE is non exclusive and free of charge.

  • STEVE can not be redistributed without the approval by Samtrafiken.
    Any unauthorized use of STEVE is not allowed.

  • Decompilation of the STEVE software is not allowed.

  • STEVE is provided "as is". Samtrafiken will strive to correct bugs and to inform users regarding changes but is under no obligation to make changes to or continuing to provide STEVE.

  • Samtrafiken will, within reason, ensure that STEVE is updated and made available to users in a correct way. However, Samtrafiken does not guarantee that STEVE is without bugs and Samtrafiken can not be held responsible for any consequences of potential faults in STEVE.
    Users of STEVE have no right to make claims against Samtrafiken related to the use of STEVE.

  • STEVE will not in any hidden way send data to Samtrafiken or any third party.

  • Samtrafiken can not guarantee that STEVE will work correctly on all specific implementations of BoB depending on equipment, system settings, configurations or integrations.