Product API

Product API

Product API

Search products 1 - simple with temporal

This is an example of a simple request to BoB-test. Group with groupType=zone must be included. In this example, set temporal parameter startOfValidity=<isoTimestamp> very close to the time-of-request to retrieve both singleTrip and monthlyPass products.
Endpoint: POST /api/v2/product

Search products 2 - traveller category with temporal

Search for traveller category h (youth). In this example, set temporal parameter startOfValidity=<isoTimestamp> very close to the time-of-request.

Endpoint: POST /api/v2/product




Search products 3 - product category with temporal

Search for product category monthlyPass that can start either directly or at a future time. The temporal parameter startOfValidity=<isoTimestamp> must be set very close to the time-of-request or at a future time.
Endpoint: POST /api/v2/product

Search products 4 - product category without temporal (dormant ticket)

Search for product category monthlyPass without any start of validity, i.e. the product represents what is becoming a dormant ticket. A dormant ticket is initially inactive and can be activated at a later point in time.
Endpoint: POST /api/v2/product

Create manifest

Create a purchase manifest from a set of product identifiers and optional tickets to recover in purchase.
You can also specify ticket specific properties that should be included in the manifest.
Endpoint: POST /api/v2/manifest


Get previously created purchase manifest

Retrive a previously created purchase manifest. The manifest identifier can
be a static well known id or dynamic identifier with expire that is
produced by the create manifest operations. The manifest could also be a
distinct manifest, which means that it can only be used once.

Endpoint: GET /api/v2/manifest/7582a6f6-5481-445f-8a05-45625b4996b4

Get product categories

Endpoint: GET /api/v2/productcat/product

Get traveller categories

Endpoint: GET /api/v2/productcat/traveller

Get product information

Get product information by product identifier. The product identifier can
be a static well known id or dynamic identifier with an expiry set that is
produced by the filter operations.

Endpoint: GET /api/v2/product/58cfeb6739336c4b84d73ca4