Deprecate validityPeriod and extendedValidityPeriod in POST /product
Background With the addition of temporalValidity in, the POST /product response property validityPeriod has become redundant. There is also an ambiguity in regard to what it represents, the absolute validity or the relative validity (or other).
The POST /product request property adjacency.extendedValidityPeriod has the same ambiguity. Adding properties requestedRelativeValidity and requestedAbsoluteValidity as replacements would enable requesting both an extended (or reduced) relative validity and absolute validity. The requestedRelativeValidity and requestedAbsoluteValidity may be useful in other cases than adjacency-related, thus they should not reside in adjacency.
Deprecate validityPeriod and refer to temporalValidity
Deprecate adjacency.extendedValidityPeriod
Add requestedRelativeValidity
Add requestedAbsoluteValidity
It would be clearer and easier to know which property should be used and for what purpose.
With the addition of temporalValidity in, the POST /product response property validityPeriod has become redundant. There is also an ambiguity in regard to what it represents, the absolute validity or the relative validity (or other).
The POST /product request property adjacency.extendedValidityPeriod has the same ambiguity. Adding properties requestedRelativeValidity and requestedAbsoluteValidity as replacements would enable requesting both an extended (or reduced) relative validity and absolute validity. The requestedRelativeValidity and requestedAbsoluteValidity may be useful in other cases than adjacency-related, thus they should not reside in adjacency.
Deprecate validityPeriod and refer to temporalValidity
Deprecate adjacency.extendedValidityPeriod
Add requestedRelativeValidity
Add requestedAbsoluteValidity
It would be clearer and easier to know which property should be used and for what purpose.
Proposed solution
Please find the proposed solution here: