Known issues and limitations

Known issues and limitations








Issue with stations while searching for trips in TRAID

This is difficult to report as an error since it seems to only happen to new users.

It's important to actually type in the departure and destination stations manually a few times and not select pre-filled stations from the list. It seems like the stations don't always get picked up directly, and sometimes it shows [object] in the text box.

Workaround: re-enter the station names and select from the list and then it works.



Only one of two add-ons is shown on the info pae when you add add-ons for two or more passengers. (MTRX/VR)

Works in API but not in the TRAID.
Samtrafiken to rebuild Traid to manage mandatory ancillaries. Missing time estimate. ST will update the issue and notify MTRX when we know more about the status. (Not a problem for the SoS) - CR32



Not possible to book MTRX/VR 1 class Plus and PLUS because of the mandatory ancillaries

This is a known issue. Samtrafiken to rebuild Traid to manage mandatory ancillaries. Missing time estimate. ST will update the issue and notify MTRX/VR when we know more about the status. (Not a problem for the SoS) - CR32



MTRX/VR is returning Something went wrong, when trying to book, if the products is sold out. Eg FIX, but FLEX works fine to book.

An issue (229275) reported to MTRX/VR 240731.



It is possible to choose a gender when selecting a seat for trips with Snälltåget, but the compartments are always MIXED.

The user encounters a warnig when searching for the trip via the API, but no corresponding logs appear in TRAID.

This is not an issue but a limitation.
Samtrafiken will discuss how to update TRAID to include a warning mechanism that notifies users in good time.

























Traveller category “Unknown” in Bookininfo/Bokningsinfo

Traveller category is in some cases set to “Unknown” for traveller category “Student” for SJ journeys.



Interrail discount needs to be set on co-tax group 850 in order to get the discount on Öresundståg (300) and Krösatåg (648).

Unwanted effect: The discount also applies to buses for Hallandstrafiken (261) and Blekingetrafiken (258) when searching a combined trip with Öresundståg or Krösatåg.



Whole journey Start and Stop does not show the actual start and/or stop in Resenärsvyn in Bokningsinfo.

Unfortunatly we are in some cases unable to interpret the information we get from sales channel SJ. In most cases the information should be correct but we cannot guarantee 100 % correct information. 

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