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Personal support
These wiki pages with information about the BoB Standard and how to use it
Facilitate a test environment and a verification system
Read more about support here.
Facilitating an open dialog
Samtrafiken administers the Participant IDs (PID). You can apply for a PID that you need to be able to identify your organisation when interacting through the BoB-standard. Samtrafiken also manages the Coordination Function for Metadata. This is needed to make sure you are communicating in a secure way. Read more about Metadata here.
Responsible for change management
We use the BoB Tech forum and the live meetings to establish a common ground. We send the change for remittance to all BoB main contacts and then we make the decision at the Change Advisory Board (CAB). The members of the Change Advisory Bord are the owners of Samtrafiken. Read more about the Change Process here.