<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<PublicationDelivery xmlns="http://www.netex.org.uk/netex" version="1.11:NO-NeTEx-networktimetable:1.3"> <!-- Used NeTEx profile and version. -->
<PublicationTimestamp>2023-06-29T07:57:33</PublicationTimestamp> <!-- Timestamp of export. -->
<ParticipantRef>SAM</ParticipantRef> <!-- Participantref is always Samtrafiken. -->
<SiteFrame version="20230629075733" id="SE:050:SiteFrame:1"> <!-- Siteframe version matches export date/time. -->
<FromDate>2005-01-01T00:00:00</FromDate> <!-- Always set to 2005-01-01. -->
<Codespace id="SE:050"> <!-- id is same as Xmlns. -->
<Xmlns>SE:050</Xmlns> <!-- Always 50, Samtrafikens number, since this is an export of data processed by Samtrafiken. -->
<XmlnsUrl>http://www.samtrafiken.se/ns/sweden</XmlnsUrl> <!-- sweden, for aggregated data. -->
<DefaultLocationSystem>4326</DefaultLocationSystem> <!-- All coordinates are published as WGS84, independent of the format in which they are reported in. -->
<!-- At the time of writing, only stopPlaces are exported through the stops dataset.<topographicPlaces>
<TopographicPlace version="any" id="SE:050:TopographicPlace:NO">
<CountryRef ref="no"/>
<TopographicPlace version="any" id="SE:050:TopographicPlace:SE">
<CountryRef ref="se"/>
<TopographicPlace version="any" id="SE:050:TopographicPlace:SE_1">
<Name>Stockholms län</Name>
<CountryRef ref="se"/>
<ParentTopographicPlaceRef ref="SE:050:TopographicPlace:SE" version="any"/>
<TopographicPlace version="any" id="SE:050:TopographicPlace:SE_0160">
<Name>Täby kommun</Name>
<CountryRef ref="se"/>
<ParentTopographicPlaceRef ref="SE:050:TopographicPlace:SE_1" version="any"/>
<TopographicPlace version="any" id="SE:050:TopographicPlace:SE_0162">
<Name>Danderyds kommun</Name>
<CountryRef ref="se"/>
<ParentTopographicPlaceRef ref="SE:050:TopographicPlace:SE_1" version="any"/>
<!-- More TopographicPlace elements. All counties and municipalities in Sweden -->
<!-- For data such as TopographicPlace (Noptis Zones), GroupOfStopPlaces (Noptis Sites), etc, see the regional NeTEx exports. -->
<StopPlace version="20200615" id="SE:050:StopPlace:18042"> <!-- Noptis.StopArea -->
<FromDate>2020-06-15T00:00:00</FromDate> <!-- StopArea.ExistsFromDate for the StopArea delivered by the owner. 2000-01-01 for StopPlaces not delivered by the owner. -->
<!-- ToDate is only set for national StopPlaces which have been deleted. It shows the date of deletion in this case. -->
<Value>6</Value> <!-- The national THM number of the datasource which "owns" this stop. Always a regional transport authority (RKM). 50 (Samtrafiken) for stops outside of Sweden. -->
<Value>6</Value> <!-- The national THM number of the datasource which delivers data for this stop. Differs only from owner in case someone delivers a stop which is not delivered by the regional transport authority (RKM) in that province. -->
<Value>740023267</Value> <!-- The Rikshållplatsnumber for this stop, added by Samtrafiken. -->
<Value>0</Value> <!-- The default exchange time in seconds, Noptis StopArea.DefaultInterchangeDurationSeconds, according to the authority who provides the data (data-from). -->
<Key>local-name</Key> <!-- StopArea.Name for each of the local stop areas mapped to this national stop, in the form of ThmNumber:Noptis.StopArea.Gid:Noptis.StopArea.Name. -->
<Key>local-gid</Key> <!-- StopArea.Gid for each of the local stop areas mapped to this national stop, in the form of ThmNumber:Noptis.StopArea.Gid. -->
<Key>local-number</Key> <!-- StopArea.Number for each of the local stop areas mapped to this national stop, in the form of ThmNumber:Noptis.StopArea.Number. -->
<Value>false</Value> <!-- This value will be true if the stop is sellable through samtrafiken systems, and false if not -->
<Name>Kungsgatan</Name> <!-- StopArea.Name for the THM which delivers data (see data-from). May be adjusted by Samtrafiken. -->
<ShortName>Kungsgatan</ShortName> <!-- StopArea.ShortName for the THM which delivers data (see data-from). -->
<PrivateCode>18042</PrivateCode> <!-- The national stop id, determined by Samtrafiken. -->
<Centroid> <!-- StopArea.CentroidEastingCoordinate and StopArea.CentroidNorthingCoordinate for the THM which delivers data (see data-from). -->
<TopographicPlaceRef ref="SE:050:TopographicPlace:SE_0160" version="any"/> <!-- Stops in Sweden are linked to their Municipality. Stops in other countries are linked to their Country. -->
<Name>Kungsgatan</Name> <!-- Same as NeTEx.StopPlace.Name defined earlier in this stopplace object, required by the NeTEx standard. -->
<Abbreviation>KUN</Abbreviation> <!-- StopArea.Abbreviation for the THM which delivers data (see data-from). -->
<TariffZoneRef ref="SE:050:TariffZone:6-9081006200000981"/> <!-- Reference to TariffZone, see below. Noptis.Zone Type=TARIFFZO, in the form "SE:050:TariffZone:" followed by ThmNumber-Noptis.Zone.Gid -->
<TariffZoneRef ref="SE:050:TariffZone:14-9081014201002981"/>
<TariffZoneRef ref="SE:050:TariffZone:14-9081014208075317"/>
<Quay version="20200615" id="SE:050:Quay:34207">
<PublicCode>A</PublicCode> <!-- Usually StopPoint.Designation for the StopPoint delivered by the THM defined in StopPlace.data-from, may be adjusted by Samtrafiken. -->
<Quay version="20200615" id="SE:050:Quay:34208">
<!-- ... -->
<StopPlace version="20221210" id="SE:050:StopPlace:559"> <!-- Noptis.StopArea. -->
<FromDate>2022-12-10T00:00:00</FromDate> <!-- StopArea.ExistsFromDate for the StopArea delivered by the owner. 2000-01-01 for StopPlaces not delivered by the owner. -->
<!-- ToDate is only set for national StopPlaces which have been deleted. It shows the date of deletion in this case. -->
<Value>3</Value> <!-- The national THM number of the datasource which "owns" this stop. Always a regional transport authority (RKM). 50 (Samtrafiken) for stops outside of Sweden. -->
<Value>3</Value> <!-- The national THM number of the datasource which delivers data for this stop. Differs only from owner in case someone delivers a stop which is not delivered by the regional transport authority (RKM) in that province. -->
<Value>740000559</Value> <!-- The Rikshållplatsnumber for this stop, added by Samtrafiken. -->
<Value>Knivsta</Value> <!-- The name for this stop according to Trafikverket, only included in case of train stations. Added by Samtrafiken. -->
<Value>KN</Value> <!-- The Signatures for this stop according to Trafikverket, only included in case of train stations. One or more separated by a pipe character |. Added by Samtrafiken. -->
<Value>240</Value> <!-- The default exchange time in seconds, Noptis StopArea.DefaultInterchangeDurationSeconds, according to the authority who provides the data (data-from). -->
<Key>local-name</Key> <!-- StopArea.Name for each of the local stop areas mapped to this national stop, in the form of ThmNumber:Noptis.StopArea.Gid:Noptis.StopArea.Name. -->
<Value>3:9021003780050000:Knivsta station (Knivsta)|1:9021001005006000:Knivsta|1:9021001068633000:Knivsta
station|74:9021074005590000:Knivsta|100:9021074000559000:Knivsta station|159:9021001000559000:Knivsta
<Key>local-gid</Key> <!-- StopArea.Gid for each of the local stop areas mapped to this national stop, in the form of ThmNumber:Noptis.StopArea.Gid. -->
<Key>local-number</Key><!-- StopArea.Number for each of the local stop areas mapped to this national stop, in the form of ThmNumber:Noptis.StopArea.Number. -->
<Value>true|false</Value> <!-- This value will be true if the stop is sellable through samtrafiken systems, and false if not -->
<Name>Knivsta station (Knivsta)</Name> <!-- StopArea.Name for the THM which delivers data (see data-from). May be adjusted by Samtrafiken. -->
<ShortName>Knivsta station</ShortName><!-- StopArea.ShortName for the THM which delivers data (see data-from). -->
<PrivateCode>559</PrivateCode> <!-- The national stop id, determined by Samtrafiken. -->
<Centroid> <!-- StopArea.CentroidEastingCoordinate and StopArea.CentroidNorthingCoordinate for the THM which delivers data (see data-from). -->
<Name>Knivsta station (Knivsta)</Name> <!-- Same as NeTEx.StopPlace.Name defined earlier in this stopplace object, required by the NeTEx standard. -->
<Abbreviation>Kni</Abbreviation> <!-- StopArea.Abbreviation for the THM which delivers data (see data-from). -->
<TransportMode>rail</TransportMode> <!-- StopPlace.TypeCode for the THM which delivers data. For multimodal stop places, this is the primary transport mode. For mapping see https://samtrafiken.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SamtrafikenOpenData/pages/989233182/Samtrafiken+NeTEx+export#General-Noptis-to-Netex-mappings. -->
<StopPlaceType>railStation</StopPlaceType> <!-- StopPlace.TypeCode for the THM which delivers data. For multimodal stop places, this is the primary transport mode. For mapping see https://samtrafiken.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SamtrafikenOpenData/pages/989233182/Samtrafiken+NeTEx+export#General-Noptis-to-Netex-mappings. -->
<Weighting>preferredInterchange</Weighting> <!-- StopPlace.InterchangePriority for the THM which delivers data, for mapping see https://samtrafiken.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SamtrafikenOpenData/pages/989233182/Samtrafiken+NeTEx+export#General-Noptis-to-Netex-mappings. -->
<!-- This is a multimodal stop, and therefore it does not have any quays. If this were a simple stop with quays for one mode of transport only, the quays would have been defined here. -->
<!-- In this case, there are other stopplaces (1 per StopPlaceType) which contain the actual quays. -->
<StopPlace version="20221210" id="SE:050:StopPlace:559_1"> <!-- The underscore indicates this is child stop 1 of multimodal stop 559. -->
<keyList> <!-- These key-values match the key-values of the parent stop. -->
<!-- ... -->
<Name>Knivsta station (Knivsta)</Name>
<ShortName>Knivsta station</ShortName>
<Name>Knivsta station (Knivsta)</Name>
<ParentSiteRef ref="SE:050:StopPlace:559"/> <!-- Reference to the parent stop. -->
<TransportMode>bus</TransportMode> <!-- StopPlace.TypeCode for this child stop. Only quays of this type will be included in this StopPlace. -->
<StopPlaceType>onstreetBus</StopPlaceType> <!-- See the parent stop for more information regarding these fields. -->
<Quay version="20210307" id="SE:050:Quay:4205"> <!-- A national quay, by samtrafiken (050) with id 4205 generated by Samtrafiken. -->
<Value>2021-03-07</Value> <!-- stopPoint.ExistsFromDate for the StopPoint delivered by the THM defined in StopPlace.data-from. -->
<Value>null</Value> <!-- stopPoint.ExistsUpToDate for the StopPoint delivered by the THM defined in StopPlace.data-from. -->
<Value>3:9025003078005001|1:9025001000068635</Value> <!-- JourneyPatternPoint.Gid for each JourneyPatternPoint which was mapped to this Quay, as THM number : Gid, separated by |. -->
<Value>3:9022003780050001|1:9022001068633002</Value> <!-- StopPoint.Gid for each StopPoint which was mapped to this Quay, as THM number : Gid, separated by |. -->
<Value>3:A|1:B</Value> <!-- StopPoint.Designation for each StopPoint which was mapped to this Quay, as THM number : Designation, separated by |. -->
<Name>Knivsta station</Name> <!-- StopPoint.Name for the StopPoint delivered by the THM defined in StopPlace.data-from . -->
<ShortName>Knivsta station</ShortName> <!-- StopPoint.ShortName for the StopPoint delivered by the THM defined in StopPlace.data-from . -->
<PrivateCode>1</PrivateCode> <!-- Local number, defined by Samtrafiken. -->
<Longitude>17.786599</Longitude> <!-- Usually StopPoint.EastingCoordinate for the StopPoint delivered by the THM defined in StopPlace.data-from, may be adjusted by Samtrafiken. -->
<Latitude>59.727518</Latitude> <!-- Usually StopPoint.NorthingCoordinate for the StopPoint delivered by the THM defined in StopPlace.data-from, may be adjusted by Samtrafiken. -->
<PublicCode>A</PublicCode> <!-- Usually StopPoint.Designation for the StopPoint delivered by the THM defined in StopPlace.data-from, may be adjusted by Samtrafiken. -->
<Quay version="20210307" id="SE:050:Quay:4206">
<Name>Knivsta station</Name>
<ShortName>Knivsta station</ShortName>
<Quay version="20210307" id="SE:050:Quay:4207">
<!-- ... -->
<Quay version="20210307" id="SE:050:Quay:4210">
<!-- ... -->
<StopPlace version="20221210" id="SE:050:StopPlace:559_2"> <!-- A second child stop in this multimodal stop place. -->
<!-- ... -->
<Name>Knivsta station (Knivsta)</Name>
<ShortName>Knivsta station</ShortName>
<Name>Knivsta station (Knivsta)</Name>
<ParentSiteRef ref="SE:050:StopPlace:559"/>
<TransportMode>rail</TransportMode> <!-- The previous child stop contained bus quays, this one contains train quays. -->
<Quay version="20210307" id="SE:050:Quay:4208">
<Name>Knivsta station</Name>
<ShortName>Knivsta station</ShortName>
<Quay version="20210307" id="SE:050:Quay:4209">
<!-- ... -->
<Quay version="20220101" id="SE:050:Quay:135729">
<!-- ... -->
<TariffZone version="20200615" id="SE:050:TariffZone:6-9081006200000981"> <!-- Noptis.Zone Type=TARIFFZO, in the form "SE:050:TariffZone:" followed by ThmNumber-Noptis.Zone.Gid -->
<FromDate>2020-06-15T00:00:00</FromDate> <!-- Noptis.ExistsFromDate -->
<Name>Jönköping</Name> <!-- Noptis.Zone.Name -->
<ShortName/> <!-- Noptis.Zone.ShortName-->
<PrivateCode>6:981</PrivateCode> <!-- THM:Noptis.Zone.Number-->
</PublicationDelivery> |