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Keys shall be delivered within an JWS according to mts4 but with the following a JSON structure signed using JWS (RFC 7515) with the following parameters and content:

The JWS Protected Header shall contain the following fields:

"alg": '


  "kid": string <kid


 of the key-management key, supplied by the AB>,
  "authid": string


<Participants ID (PID)> ,


string (




  "serial": integer (serialNumber)



The JWS Payload shall contain the following fields:

'mtbPublicKeys': [ JWK Object, JWK Object .. JWK Object ], (only new keys, existing keys still in use shall not be listed again)
'removemtbPublicKeys': [ JWK Object


 kid, JWK Object


 kid .. JWK Object kid]


 (if no keys are to be removed, this field can be omitted)


The JWS  JWS shall be formated as in the JWS compact serialization format according to 7515, section 3.1:

BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header)) || '.' || 
BASE64URL(JWS Payload) || '.' ||
BASE64URL(JWS Signature)


An A JWK with an existing kid is skipped as you can't update an specific key. To do an update the existing key must be removed and a new defined.