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The purpose of the interim key-storage is to get online with an common AB for the participants of the Mobile Ticket Specification. This is not an complete AB as we believe there are more functions to come. The API is based upon the same principles as the coming API-specs from the project, but the permanent solution will detailed.

The interim solution for key storage is divided into two parts:

  • The key storage where everyone can fetch the key-list on an open url.
  • The key handling in which an client with an PID via email can send in an new public key.


The keylist can be fetched from <URL>

Key handling

In the interim key handling new keys are published on the keylist via email. Keys shall be delivered within an JWS according to mts4 but with the following content:

The JWS Protected Header shall contain the following fields:
"alg": 'EC',
  "kid": string <kid defined from the AB>,
  "authid": string <your PID> ,
 "notvalidafter": integer (unix timestamp),
  "serial": integer (serialNumber),

The JWS Payload shall contain the following fields:

'mtbPublicKeys' [ JWK Object, JWK Object .. JWK Object ],



